Sunday, January 13, 2008

Is it Spring?

Here are Tim and Al putting up shelves in Tyler's closet for is bazillion toys. Chad and I have been on the rampage to get this place organized this weekend. We started at our storage spot and cleaned house, went to goodwill, then onto our actual house. It's been quite invigorating! We can't stop! We only have one more closet to attack and that's Ryan's. I guess it will have to wait for another day! Chad is out hitting golf balls and I am heading to the mall. Chad and I have a "formal" thing for his work next week, and I have not a thing to wear! Yeah right! Anyways, Lynnette is taking my kids (saint!) for the night and day on Saturday. Hopefully all goes well and everyone makes it out in one piece, mostly I'm worried about Lynnette! I will owe her BIG!
We've been big into the arts and crafts~well for this house anyways. My boys are not too interested in this stuff, they'd rather throw things. Anyways, Tyler finally learned how to cut with scissors the proper way and he can't be stopped. We did have the no cutting ANYONE'S hair talk today.
Ryan generally spends more time eating the drawing items. Apparently they are quite tasty! Thank god they're non-toxic! He would be dead for sure!
GO PACK! We were a little homesick last night after watching the Packer's win. The snow and excitment was enjoyed over a Pizza Hut dinner! Tyler and Princess Ella had many little play dates this week! They are so cute!

This was taken at 10pm. Ryan went to bed at 5:30 the other day, he had had an early nap. SO I guess he took another one when he woke @ 9:45 he was ready to go dancing! He's too fun to get irritated with the fact that he's not sleeping.

Here are some pictures from my parent's house at Christmas. I just got them.
Making sugar cookies.

Ryan's one trip down the hill. He did not enjoy it at all!

1 comment:

Chuck Sorenson said...

not spring here. 4 degrees


About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!