Sunday, February 24, 2008

Spring Fever!

Well Valentine's has come and gone and now we are on to Easter and St. Patty's day. My kids are loving these spring holidays. Ryan is definately my kid, he LOVES the candy! I have a bit of an addiction to sugar! Here are some pics of Valentine's morning. The boys both got a stuffed dog and some candy. As usual, Tyler hoarded the animals and Ryan ate the candy! No big surprise!

Here are the "Sweethearts" and their goods.
Again, the lovebirds at Tyler's school party. Ryan gets to go to school next year! Yeah!
My valentine gave me some beautiful roses and chocolates.
Happy Valentine's from Spiderman!

Chad got a package from work and you guessed it, there was packing popcorn~! What a blast they had!

This is from today. My 3 scurvy dogs! It's absolutely beautiful here, 75 and sunny. We are heading over to our friend's later for a BBQ!

Yes, you're seeing correctly! I bought Ryan a potty chair. He follows Tyler around and flushes for him whenever he goes and tells me all the time when he "goes." I figured why the heck not? He hopefully will train earlier than his brother. We'll see!

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About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!