Monday, October 13, 2008

Sorry so long!!!

Sorry it's been so long...starting to be a theme here. Anyways, things have been busy while we've gotten back to "normal" if you will. Are we ever really normal? Don't answer took 2 full weeks to get our power back after the storm. We stayed in Dallas for a week, then ventured home thinking we would surely be getting power back any day...not so much. The rest of The Woodlands had power the Wednesday after the storm, we were 10 days after that! It got really hot, mosquitoey, and annoying about 2 days after we got back from Dallas. The kids were great...troopers and patient. FEMA brought ice to the Walmart by our house, but not until 13 days after the storm...gee thanks! By that point everyone back in our little section of town that STILL didn't have power at least had generators..At 40 bucks a day, to have a lamp, fan,and keep some things cool in the fridge. I'm hoping that the 25 years that they say has been between major storms is true..I plan to not be here in 25! we've started soccer again, went to a picnic for Chad's work, my parents are visiting, and the boys are loving school. The weeks are busy, but we are enjoying every crazy minute of it! Oh, and we have also purchased our Halloween costumes...that was a BIG decision for an unnamed 4 year old in our house!

these are from the picnic...Spiderman and a pirate. Ryan went first and then Ty decided he wanted it too.

Amanda and Deb took me for a day a shopping to celebrate my b-day that was overshadowed by a natural dare He? Kidding! I still did turn 33, in spite of trying to forget about the day!

These are from Dallas, we went to the Ft. Worth zoo, played at a park(everyday) and swam. We actually had a great time escaping from our reality~

my neighbor's house getting a tree craned off her roof... oh the joys of IKE! We still have all our garage that needs repair and trees we need cut down that are dead from bending in half.
Gotta love those Wiggles powered by a generator...
First day of soccer...Tyler is currently more focused on his potential career as a NFL quarterback...he also told me today that he wants a Highlanders tatoo, that's the high school in town, oh joy!

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About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!