Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Coming in Like a Lion!

So life is about to get pretty crazy! Went to the doctor today...not much going on...if Ethan does not come on his own terms...March 16th is looking like the day. It will be nice, Tyler's b-day will have passed, my parents will be here to help with the boys, and life will hopefully run smoothly! Hopefully! Anyways, we've been keeping busy...well I have anyways, Chad threw his back out last week and was bed ridden all week! This left preggy Patty to pick up the slack. He finally got his cortisone shots on Friday and started to perk up during the weekend...at least he started walking. I felt so bad for him...and me! I have never seen him in so much misery! Anyways...I guess things start to go when you turn 32~ Chad's b-day was yesterday and we celebrated by making a cake...the boys were so excited to present the Spongebob cake to Dad! Notice in the picture how one row is left unfrosted...Tyler's request! He doesn't like frosting, not sure where he came from! Anyways, it's been beautiful weather and we hae been enjoying getting outside and playing with friends...although we have to go to parks that have potties...for Ryan and me! Take care! Here comes March whether we are ready or not!

Tyler and Brock did the monkey bars! Ty's 1st time all the way across on his own!
Happy B-day Dad!

Yes...I am ready to explode! Everyone keeps saying, "Oh my you're so out in front!" or everywhere else too!

Buddy party!

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About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!