Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Free Haircuts!

Big day today! Ryan went and got his second official haircut. Only this time we didn't just trim, we got a "big boy" cut. He looks so old. chad made me take them both to Snip-It's to get haircuts. Tyler sat like a charmer, like always, no big deal. Ryan-uh, not so much! I had to hold him down he was so upset and shaking the whole 5 minutes it took. In the end, Ryan thought it was worth it, a dum-dum made him feel so much better.When we got home, Chad couldn't believe I had the girl cut it all off. Goodbye curls! It was kind of sad. Went to the Y and played at the park this afternoon. Ryan and I were out for a bit without Tyler. He loves that! Here are some pics from today (yes, it's haircut week for the Brautigams!) As I'm sitting here eating a piece of Halloween candy Chad is at the Y running 7 miles on the treadmill! BORING! I chuckle~ he's got to run 14 tomorrow! Ouch! Glad I'm not training for the marathon!

Here's the boys sporting their new "do's" and looking pretty cute!

Ryan and I playing today with oatmeal in the water table. They love to "cook" and make pies!

Forgot to post these. When my parents were here Chad adn I actually went out on a date! We went and had dinner together and even had an adult conversation! It was great! I just realized Tyler is already starting the "grabbing" Guess it's time for the "talk!" Kidding!

The day Grandma and Buca left.

Anyways, the boys are extremely excited for this next week. We are heading to WI on Friday thru Monday. Tyler can hardly wait to sleep over at his cousin's Hannah and Hayden's house. Plus Halloween is next week, well what else can I say about that?

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About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!