Monday, November 26, 2007

It's Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas!

This has been a very busy week. Chad is in Chicago since Saturday until Thursday. The boys are really missing him this time. They both get it that he is gone. Tyler is a little sensitive to anything that I say. Ryan is getting a cold, so good times! The following are pictures from the last week. We got the house all put together for Christmas before Chad left. Friday we went and got the tree and decorated it that night. Tyler was so excited. He kept singing Jingle Bells and saying "it's Christmas Eve, my favorite." Here is a picture of Ryan, he woke at 11 that night to check out what the Brautigam elves had been up to. He was so excited! Of course some of my pictures are mixed up-sorry~no time to correct it.

Today at the park. Yes it is actually cold out here in TX. It's only 50 and windy. This is the first day no rain in 3 days.
Ryan all bundled!

Hanging out listening to some christmas tunes~!
Friday-tree shopping.
Tyler putting on "the shiny, gold star!"
Decorating the tree.
The finished product. By the way, Tyler picked this tree out all by himself. Beautiful!

Ahhh-the men frying turkeys! They were delicious!
The women of the kitchen! We really had an obnoxious amount of food! It was all so good! Chad and I ate leftovers for days. The perks of hosting!
Master carver!
The babies! There were 6 big kids at the big table too!
Tyler and his "other woman!" Lynnette!

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About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!