Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sweet Baby Tyler!

Tyler at 16 months~same age as Ryan

Here is a picture of my sweet baby boy that I really do love so much in spite of his 3 year old self! Tyler had a rough day today! Apparently he had 2 "tee-tee" accidents at school today. That's Texas for "pee." Anyways, his teacher calls to ask for new clothes for him. He is wearing some beautiful stonewashed/acidwashed jean shorts from the lost and found without underwear when I pick him up. I never was able to get to the school because Ryan was napping. Tyler was not upset about this at all. He's happy, I'm happy-right? WRONG! So we head to the park with some school friends for a great outside play. The kids are all getting along, playing great when my friend's son yells "Baby poop!" You guessed it! Tyler took a huge poop standing at the top of the slide, and remember, he has on NO UNDIES! This gigantic poop falls to the ground into the mulch right in the path of the slide. I'm mortified and Tyler is clueless until he meets my eyes! Needless to say, acid washed shorts are in the garbage at this park, I guess it's God's way to rid the world of any leftover acid washed jeans! And yes, I had to pick it up! So if anyone is planning to slide @ Terramont Park, be rest assured that this Supermom cleaned up after her little angel!

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About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!