Saturday, May 31, 2008

May Has Come and Gone!

Okay all, I apologize for the large amount of time that has passed since I last posted. It's been busy, Chad and I were on vacation, and then the website was giving me grief! Anyways, I'm back and it's a marathon blog post! These pics start from this last week and go backwards to the beginning of the month. So here goes!

My friend Shannon took these great pics of the boys for me.

Swimming has become the activity of choice at our house. It's been 95 out every day and there's not much else to do that doesn't involve sweating. Tyler has become quite the little swimmer and loves his swim lessons with his buddies. He's had 8 lessons in our pool and is swimming almost the length of the pool. It's so fun to see him do something so big boy. Ryan is right along with Tyler, trying to swim too. We bought him this little swim trainer and I'm sure by the end of the summer he will not need it anymore.
Bathroom break! Ryan actually pees and he peed in the potty today~again!
Yes, Ryan broke his arm, story to follow.
Memorial Day Cook out at the Brautigam's .

Here is Grandma and Ryan at the Dr. to get a new cast. Thank god it's water proof!

Tyler's friend Ella turned 4 last week and we went to a princess and knight party. The kids had a blast. Ella, Tyler , and Dylan.
Here's Ryan and my friend's daughter, Katrina.
St. Maarten! Yeah, Chad and I went on vacation while my parents watched the boys. Although my parents were exhausted when we returned, we definately appreciated their help with the boys. While Chad and I were enjoying this...

My parents were enjoying this! Ryan broke his right arm when he was at the park with my dad one night. He stepped off the bottom of the slide and tried to catch himself , obviously this did not work out so well for him! He's fine and actually gets the cast off on Wednesday. Chad and I were surprised he hadn't done it earlier. He's such a little dare-devil!

Our new addition to the back yard, the pergola. We love it, it's like a whole other room.
Mother's Day with my baby and the treasures he crafted at school .
Tyler and his swimming buddies.

A little tub time with the Brautigam boys.

Tyler at his first Astros game! He loved it and I am sure we will be returning!

The "crew" at Market street. Tyler and Ryan are on either end. It's a little crazy to go any where with friends, there is just a lot of us! It's so fun though!

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About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!