Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We're Back!

So the summer has been a busy one. We traveled to MN and WI for 4 weeks in July. What a blast the kids had! We were so busy there going to zoos, partying, visiting old friends, and playing baseball. Tyler found a new love for the game of baseball thanks to his cousin Hayden. Literally that's all Tyler did everyday for 3 weeks was want to play ball like "Jerek Jeter." We all know it's Derek, try explaining that to Ty... I think we ate the country out of freeze pops, sorry if you can't find any anywhere...Ryan got tubes put in his ears right before we went up north, what a god send those things are! His arm is all healed up, except for the mishap of Tyler slamming Ry's hand in the car door yesterday.Yeah, real pleasant...he's fine and bendy, thank god! Ryan also turned 2 last month. HE is such a hilarious little guy...constantly talking, chasing Tyler around, but still needs his paci and silkie like food and water. He's going to be hard to break...Ryan also learned how to ride a big boy bike while in MN. He bikes and Tyler golfs in the front yard. Yes we still go out even though it's 100. I go crazy inside if we don't. Here are many pics of the past several weeks. Tyler is getting excited for school to start, Ryan is going to go too, 2 days a week. Hope all is well with everyone. We are all great and enjoying our little family...take care y'all!

About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!