Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School!

Well, it's official, they're all in school for a few months anyways...Ryan was so excited to start "schoo" as he says. He did cry when we left, but you would never know it fromt the look before he left. Dad even came for the big day. Tyler was very excited as well,and in true fashion, nothing happened at school today...'It's a secret!" He won't give me anything to go on! Oh well...he says he had lots of fun, so back tomorrow we will go!

Yes, I am really getting that big... I went to the Doctor today for my 3 month check and everything looks, sounds great! I di have to say, this shirt is a little blousy...but probably not too much!
The boys in front of the school with their big boy backpacks. Notice Ryan's slick hair...he got into my pomade and did his hair for his new teachers...He smells like an Aveda salon.

Last week we had a little birthday party for Ryan's TX friends in our pool. He had a blast.

Some of my good "Woodlands" girlfriends

The Summer Olympics at the Brautigam Cube!

Tyler is quite the diver! We're hoping for the next Phelps! He can hold his breath the entire length of the pool! You never know:)
Children's Museum in Houston. Check out his native Banana Spider. Thank god it's not in my yard...the kids were amazed by this thing! It gave me the creeps personally!

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About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!