Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Beach Bums!

So in the past week, we have been to the beach 2 times. Chad and I took the boys last Saturday, then last Thursday, as a last summer hurrah, a few of my girlfriends and I decided to take the kids for the day. We had a blast both times! I think that Ryan wins dirtyist kid of the week and Tyler wins "I've got sand in my eyes!!!!" crying award. All in all, after a couple showers at the shelter, he got over it and actually had lots of fun! The beach at Galveston was actually pretty nice and much cleaner than I had thought. It's been raining a lot here, so swimming has been limited this week, but Tyler is now diving into the pool and swimming like a fish again! YEAH! Next week we go to meet the boys' teachers for preschool-YEAH again! They are definately ready for school to start. Chad and I went to the Dave Matthews concert on Friday, and it was the best one yet...really! Saturday was my friend Erin's 30th b-day and we went to a fabulous surprise party for her. Very nice! Also, for those of you that haven't heard yet, the Brautigam clan is expanding once again! Yes, lucky number 3 is due in March. We're very excited! So here are the pics from the beach and let me not forget The Wiggles! Oh yes... they made a stop in Houston, so of course we had to go! Enjoy!

This was Tropical Storm Eduard day, when the world shut down for no reason at all. My kids don't quite understand the concept of painting...well Ryan doesn't at least! Notice, he's soaked from the head down...

1 comment:

Shannon K. said...

Looks like Galveston was the place to be this summer! Congrats you guys!

About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!