Tuesday, September 25, 2007

We love the weekends!

Here are Chad and Tyler going for a bike ride in Sunday. Tyler actually can ride a couple miles at a time which we think is quite impressive for a 3 year old! I guess it is in his genes! Chad was proud, they topped out at 8 mph! He loves his new bike and he makes all of us wear our helmets. Oh joy!
Here are the 2 clowns at breakfast on Sunday. Ryan has graduated himself to the counter. He no longer wants to eat at his little booster for the kitchen table. We are really watching him up this high though based on his performance Sunday afternoon. He climbed up onto a dining room chair, without any adult supervision, and proceeded to tip it over with him on top of it. He caught his fingers under the chair and in between the floor, cut his middle finger wide open and really bruised his pointer too. Blood, lots of blood! We decided not to take a trip to the ER, however, we did visit the doc on Monday, just in case. No need for x-rays she said, but "He looks terrible! Can I look at his ears! It's infected!" If it's not one thing it's another!
Tyler is ready for Halloween. We got out the decorations today, here's a little taste of what's to come!

Here's Ryan playing "ch-chs" as he says. He started saying "tickle-tickle" last night too. He may talk soon! Ball, ba-ba (blanket), noo-noo(no no) , and bye-bye all all part of his repertoire.


Chuck Sorenson said...

Tell Tyler that Buca will be there in a couple of weeks and we will go bike riding whenever he wants.

Love DAD

stacy said...

Love the blog, I am so impressed. I wanted to let you know I didn't forget about your birthday, your card is still on my kitchen counter, but I will put it in the mail soon. Won't it be fun to get mail 2 weeks after your birthday?!
Take care,

About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!