Saturday, September 29, 2007

A busy week!

A rare picture of me with one of my children! Usually it's Chad. Notice the top of the chair is broken off, courtesy of Rynan! We had a busy week this week. Tyler had school, I started going to MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) with some of my close girlfriends. We basically drop our kids off so we can gab, drink coffee, and do a craft or listen to a speaker. It is at a church in town. It's just nice to have some uninterrupted conversation. Tyler also had a playdate after school on Tuesday with his "little" and I mean little, buddy Drew (Shrew as he says) from school. They are not in the same class this year, but apparently the meet at the playground and don't let the girls on the climber (it's our ship). Tyler actually went p--p at school TWICE this week! I guess he's feeling comfortable with the new teachers! I hope this is almost a done deal! We're running out of room for anymore toys (bribery!). We've reluctantly started giving him coins to fill a piggy bank to earn a toy for many trips to the potty. For those of you that don't know, Tyler actually swallowed a nickel earlier this year! Oops!
Big day yesterday! The fire truck came by to check the hydrant in front of our house. Tyler and Ryan were so excited. We ran out to the truck, but niether of them would get in or on the truck. After a little coaxing from the fireman, they did take a new firehat! Here is a oicture with our neighbors Michael and Lauren. I have decided that Tyler is a little smitten with Lauren, an older woman, he adores her! Must run in the family with liking older girls!
In his glory! Ryan has pretty much mastered the steps, of course, we just bought a new baby gate for the stairwell!
I do take pictures of Tyler, I guess it's Ryan's week! He actually sits and let's me!
It's lumberjack weekend on our street! There were chainsaws a buzzin all morning! Ryan and Tyler were running from window to window watching these guys climb trees and cut them down. There are a bunch of houses with dead trees, big ones! If you look closely, there is a guy in this tree at the top. I did take some video, but having problems uploading it. TX style of tree cutting is different than anything I've ever seen! Notice we are in Ryan's room watching, his room is on the second floor of our house. This guy is about 40-50 feet up in the air, tied by a rope while his "spotter" was taking a bathroom break next to our neighbor's garbage can, yes we witnessed this! Safety first! I'm working on getting more video, I've taken a lot, but like I said, having a little trouble posting. Have a great weekend ya'll!

1 comment:

Chuck Sorenson said...

Looks like the boys are finding plenty to do during the beautiful fall days in TX. Keep the weather warm but not to warm.

Good thing you got your big trees cut down, looks like all the big ones are tired of houses sitting on their roots.

We are really looking forward to our visit.

Dad & Mom

About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!