Saturday, September 22, 2007

Here's our Little Rebel! Ryan is constantly climbing, babbling, and getting into everything! Daddy came home last night and the boys now want nothing to do with me~a break:) We went to our storage unit this am and dug out the Halloween decor! Tyler found the Xmas box and pretty much wants to forgo this whole Halloween/Thanksgiving season. He's already watched The Wiggles Christmas this week and has declared that Santa WILL be at his Star Wars birthday party (that's in March!).
Ah-that's what friends are for! Lynnette and Tarah got me for my 32nd! This is what my neighbor's woke up to on Thursday morning! What a lovely sight.
Tyler thought it was great that all the balloons were attached to disposable silverware(anchors). He played with them all day long. (Notice the undies in the bushes, I believe there were around 20 some pairs in the front) The Mormon boys next door probably loved it!
Here's a glimpse of my actual birthday party.Those kids loved Tarah and Alexia's cupcakes! Ryan just walked around holding the frosting side of a cupcake for a good 10 minutes, then proceeded to wipe it all over me and my cabinets! Happy Birthday Mom!

Here is the best I could do for a recent picture of Tyler and Ryan with their best friends in the whole world. Ella, Jack, and Christopher were here to have pizza dinner, as the husbands were away! It's just plain nuts when they're all together, but they have a lot of fun!

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About Me

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I am a mom to Tyler,Ryan,& Ethan and wife to Chad. I have decided I need a hobby and have taken up blogging. Hopefully my family and friends that are far enjoy keeping up with this crazy family of mine!